Serious Games for Social Anxiety: A Systematic Review
Social Anxiety, Serious Games, E-Health, Usability, EngagementAbstract
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) causes an intense fear of negative evaluations in social contexts, leading to avoidance and psychological distress. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are effective but face adherence challenges. E-health, including serious games, emerges as a promising therapeutic alternative due to its potential for engagement and effectiveness. A systematic review conducted in April 2024 sought articles on the use of serious games in the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder, covering experimental and observational studies published from January 2014 to April 2024. Using databases like Web of Science and PubMed, studies exploring serious game interventions for individuals with social anxiety were selected, with a thorough analysis of the methods, results, and limitations of the included articles. After a systematic review across various databases, seven studies were included, highlighting the use of serious games for Social Anxiety Disorder. Approaches with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Unity as a platform with 3D graphics, and positive results in symptom reduction predominated, despite limitations in samples and assessment tools. The effectiveness of serious games for Social Anxiety Disorder is variable, with limitations such as small samples and lack of standardized assessment tools. Studies emphasize the need for more research to validate results and expand the clinical application of these interventions.
Keywords: Social Anxiety, Serious Games, E-Health, Usability, Engagement